"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs." Ansel Adams

Posts tagged “milky way photography

Pinnacles, Western Australia

‘Diamonds of the Night’

Western Australia’s Pinnacles are a place I have only ever photographed under a clear night sky and it is not hard to understand why. Situated two hours north of Perth, the skies are very dark and on a clear night, they are filled with stars, galaxy’s and the Milky Way. The landscape itself has always felt a little otherworldly to me and in my eyes, works so well under the night skies. I had captured this pinnacle once before but didn’t get what I was hoping for so a return trip one night was in order. Photographing the night sky has its own set of challenges but the results can be very rewarding!


A photograph of the Milky Way!

The Milky Way photographed on a farm in Western Australia. This old rusted truck made for a perfect subject however under a clear night sky the mood of this scene changes dramatically to how it appears in day light. Looking up at the stars on a clear night away from the light pollution of city’s is always a breathtaking experience. This is what this truck has seen every night for years!

Although the Milky Way may appear faint to the eye, the camera see’s a lot more. It allows me to show the amazing light display that occurs in the sky at night. If you have never looked at the stars on a clear night out in the bush away from major cities, you are truly missing out!

Stars! :)

Well luckily on the last night in the mountains the skies were clear! I managed to get a bunch of shots and this one came out quite good! This was shot at iso6400 and just used a noise reduction in PS and it looks pretty good! Would love to run a test print off soon see how it looks! 🙂

Really want a f1.4 lens for this kind of stuff! Would help just that little bit more

So here it is. Hope you like it 😛