"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs." Ansel Adams

Posts tagged “Waterfall Photography

Punchbowl Falls

Punchbowl Falls photographed just before dark in the Columbia River Gorge. The hike to the falls is beautiful and at a good pace took me about 45 minutes. The colours in this forest are staggering and it was what I had been waiting years for seeing as I had never visited a lush moss covered rainforest. A place that was awesome to visit and have to myself for a while. During the hike back 3 deer jumped out in front of me which in the dark certainly made me jump!


Lesmurdie Falls Photograph

After a number of trips to Lesmurdie falls a couple months back, I finally came away with a shot that I liked and felt was some what different to what I had previously seen of that spot. It was bloody sketchy to say the least. I was getting sprayed by the water so to take the shot I had to frame it up, turn the camera around wipe the lens clean then quickly spin it back around and get the shot before the lens got splashed! Not to mention I nearly slipped and fell a number of times which would have no doubt been painful and a fairly long fall! But I knew I wanted to get right in next to the water and as dodgy as it was, I reckon it was well worth it!

More from Summit!

Heres another shot of the same little valley that I captured while I was camping in the Rocky Mountains with my cousins and girlfriend. What an awesome trip!

Cloudy Days

Well ive been waitin to get another photo of this little waterfall thing at kings park, and have just been waiting for an overcast day when i could get up there

Im pretty happy with the result 😀